Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ramblings and Other Non-Pivotal Information

It is strange the way the human mind acts and responds to stimuli and humor after days of sleep deprivation and an influx of energy drinks that will most likely kill my kidneys. But all time for stressing and sleeping in an animation studio have come to an end thankfully and the return of Saint Nicholas is upon us. So I've decided to post up a link that will hopefully lead any nerd reading this blog to the graphic novel "The Last Christmas". A wonderfully violent and well drawn comic that was spawned partially from the mind of geek comedian Brian Posehn.

And no I am not talking about the Ashley Tisdale song or off spoken of Wham! song for older readers.

But enough about the man known as Claus. I am really just posting this because I am at a level where I am too tired to sleep and too mentally propelled to be awake, so this paragraph of rambling is going to be a dedication to people who made this semester bearable and worthwhile.

1. First dedication has to be to my girlfriend and support system Erin Marcucci who without I'd be a miserable and grouchy person. You tolerate and embrace my nerdy quirks and work habits and keep me sane, for that you're truly amazing and I love you.

2. The combination of my good friends Sara McDougall, Noah Ross, Ed Brasteter, and Arielle Soleil. You guys are what keep the humor alive in me and inspired me to keep writing comedy this semester at UArts.

3. My family. Enough said.

4. The Mountain Goats, Owen Pallett, The Unicorns, and The Gaslight Anthem. Your music is what makes hours of work feel like minutes and I thank you for that kind of magic.

5. Chris Magee, a very wise and insightful teacher who challenges me and makes me a better animator for it.

6. Showcase Comics, thank you Joe for talking with me for hours on end about comic books and giving me my nerd fix.

7. Jim Lee, just because.

8. Tim Rauch, awesome teacher who I look forward to having much work and interaction with in the animation world in the future.

9. Mystery Science Theater 3000 for giving me something to fall asleep to at 4 am on my laptop.

10. My good friends from NJ, you're all brilliant and shining souls who I am pleased to be associated with, I'm talking to you Gerard Gall, Joe Glading, Mikey Mullen, Chris DeBlasi, etc...

11. Pandora Radio

12. And as the cliche goes "last but not least" my grandmother. You always supported me and my imagination as a child and honestly without you I wouldn't have made the choices that I have during my life and wouldn't be following my dreams the way I am now.

Well that is a relief to get off of my mind before I retreat home to NJ for a month and one quarter. Expect to see a plethora of animation, character designs, articles from me, comic book news, and coming in late january web comics drawn and written by Ed Brasteter and yours truly. Till next post, happy holidays and sleep well.

Currently Listening To: Always New Depths -- Bloc Party

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